This is one of the pictures I took at the grand canyon last week on my vacation.
Isn't it beautiful!! I will tell you that before going to the grand canyon people really played it down and said that it was just a big whole in the ground and I was not sure if I wanted to see it. The were right it is a big whole in the grand but to me there was so much more to see. I see God. I know that scientist study the rock to see how long it has been there and how it got there but to me none of that matters really. I see God! I see a
carefully crafted
piece of art that He made for us to enjoy. For our pleasure. I could not help myself when I was there from just speaking out in tongues and praising God for the works of Hid hands. I just think that it is amazing! He is all around us in every way and in everything and you don't even have to look
closely it is right in front of us if we would just remove the scales from our eyes. The enemy can blind us from so much in life so many wonderful things. So this is my thought for tonight. What can you see today that reminds you or God and how much He love us. This is mine for today lets see what I find tomorrow.
I remember that my Grandpa kept calling it a big hole in the ground before we went to visit it...but once I got there I realized that it really was amazing!