Sunday, February 14, 2010

Boxes Boxes and More Boxes

Well, we are still in the process of moving but hopefully this will be the last move we have to make until we move into the house that we are going to buy. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to that day. To have something that is my own that I can do what I want to with and know that I never have to move again!!! Things have been really crazy this month on top of moving things at work have been a mess to. People quiting and everyone else having to pick up the slack is starting to wear on me. It just seems like just when you get comfortable at this job something happens and you are in a whirlwind all over again. It is very frustrating. Does not much good to complain about I guess just have to go with the flow. So that is what I am doing going with the flow. Let just see where it leads me.........................

1 comment:

  1. It seems like everything hits all at once sometimes doesn't it?!?!

    Once you get settled in your new place you will probably be able to handle the work stress better.

    Here is to a fabulous new week for you Margie!
