Monday, July 5, 2010

Spending Time

Why is it so hard to spend time with God? I was reading in Mark and it was saying that Jesus got up early in the morning before the sun came up to spend time with God and pray. I want to be able to do that, but honestly I am to lazy. Do I think that it would improve me life and make me feel better? No doubt! So why is even the thought of it so hard? I get up every morning at 6:00am to get ready for work. Why? Because I have to be at work at 8:30. Why is it that I can commit to my job in that way but can not commit to God in the same way? I am sure, so sure that the pay off will be way more than any pay check I get every 2 weeks, so why it is so hard? Jesus said that it would not be easy and I guess if it was then it would not be God. I mean really why would the enemy make something that brings us closer to God easy!! I think that my fear is that I am going to get up earlier and get on my knees and the think....ok now what? Am I supposed to be saying something? Am I supposed to be feeling something? And what if I don't have I done something wrong. I have heard of people getting up and hitting their knee every morning and spending time with God for hours. What are they experience? What are they feeling? Believe me if I knew that it was going to be this amazing experience every morning I would be there no matter what. But what if it is not? Maybe it is not supposed to be right at first? Maybe God wants us to be the first ones to make the step to meet Him and then He will meet us? I think that I will at least try. Starting tomorrow I will get up 30 minutes earlier and get on my knees and spend that time with God. I will blog about what I experience and hopefully what I hear. I don't know about you but I love it when I hear from God it is truly a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. I love it!

    Mornings are not my thing, but since I am doing this 90 Day challenge, I am gong to try to do my reading in the morning. I'll let you know how that goes! ;-)
