Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Getting Back On Track

Well, we got moved. It is funny how when you are in the moment every thing seems to be moving in slow motion but when it is all over it seems to have gone by so fast. I think that I am learning to see beyond what is in front of me. Whatever is happening today does not have to effect my tomorrow if I don't let it. Sometimes things your troubles may drag on for a while but when it is over when you look back I find myself thinking.....was it really has bad as I thought it was? Why did I stress out so much about that when in the end.....I know some people hate the phase but " It is what it is " and worrying and stress do not change what is happening. I still do I can't say I don't but I am learning to take a step back and think about what I am feeling before I let myself get to a place where I don't want to be. It has been hard for me since we have moved to back on track with my walk. Honestly I have not been on track even before this. On track to me is getting in Gods word everyday and going to church every Sunday and honestly that has not been happening. I can feel the pulling of God on my heart for my time and yet I still remain selfish and do what I want to instead. How can I be a good disciple for God if I am not in His word and learning it every day? I can't I know that and I feel really bad about it. Starting this week I am going to turn the TV off and get back into my word and after I read I will blog and tell everyone what God showed me. I do miss Him and even know it still amazes me that He misses me to. God likes to speak to me a lot in parables just like He did in the bible. I have a little dog name Toro and when I get home from work or just being out for a while he is so happy to see me jumping on me and kissing me. He follows me all over the house where ever I go her goes and if I sit down he is right in my lap. God showed me one day that that is just how He feels about us. Longing to be with us and spend time with. He loves us that much. Why are we so selfish? Why and I so selfish? I need to get my priorities straight. God first and then everything else will fall into place.